With the beat of Guetta and the pleasant voice of one Sia Furler, I act author to the initial post of The Bureaucracy of Anarchy, and deep down hoping to mark its inception in a manner that is grand destructive.

Courage is the power to let go of the familiar

– Raymond Lindquist

With the empowering words of man you know nothing of, onward you read.

The outlook of this blog is of a simple nature: Say what is needed to said, post what is needed to be posted, change what is needed to be changed, do what is needed to be done… If ever your IQ is ever a tad bit around 85, you should get the point.

With that, I am due applause.

That was some encore huh. That was humor, you twat.

“Twat, you say”, you might say. Why, yes of course. I can’t deem Bureaucracy of Anarchy open without a few jabs at your self esteem, oh no! But that is much said for a Shout-Out post. Much more to keep your; yes you, fellow immigrants of the planet, to keep your brains racked and disheveled.

What we call the beginning is often the end. 
And to make an end is to make a beginning. 
The end is where we start from.
– T. S. Eliot

And thus, we start from


– Anirudh Sridhar